ENAP- SPC Fondo de estanque de agua / Santiago – Chile
The National Oil Company (ENAP) requests the services of Corrotek.
AES GENER – Muelle de Sifón / Valparaíso – Chile.
As is the case in particular in the siphon spring of the AES GENER
CMP-Puerto Guayacan / Coquimbo – Chile
This new challenge for Corrotek is presented at the Guayacan dock.
Instalación de un sistema de monitoreo de espesor de alta resolución en Angloamerican
Installation of a high resolution thickness monitoring system in AngloAmerican Los Bronces / Colina.
Muelle del Centro de Cruceros / Honduras
Rodio Swissboring S.A. entrusts Corrotek with the installation of the cathodic protection system (SPC)
Puerto de Balboa / Panamá Ports
Underwater repair of anodes, improvements to the monitoring system, control of dispersers and rectifiers.
Puerto Buena Vista / Cartagena – Colombia
Installation and commissioning of a Galvanic Anode Cathodic Protection System – Buena Vista Dock Sheet Piling / Cartagena – Colombia.
Planta GNL – República Dominicana
Was the challenge that AES Corporation delivered to Corrotek for one of its power plants in the Dominican Republic.