Supplies and Representation

Maintenance of Cathodic Protection Systems

Assembly and Commissioning

All our team can develop work in so many different countries and are ready to figth corrosion.
como internacional siendo altamente calificado y certificado.

AC/DC mitigation

AC/DC stray current interference

Interference is any electrical disturbance in a metallic structure caused by a stray current. Stray current can be described as current flowing to a structure that is not part of the intended electrical circuit.

Underground pipelines near high voltage power lines and railway lines are subject to electromagnetically induced by alternating current, creating potential electrical shock hazards and increasing the risk of pipeline corrosion.

Corrotek, specializes in identifying and addressing AC/DC interference in pipelines, using the most advanced software model. We can provide stray current mitigation system designs in the industry. These improve safety, reduces the potential for corrosion, and eliminates harmful AC/DC interference.

Cathodic protection

Cathodic protection is an electrochemical process that mitigates corrosion in pipelines, storage tanks, structural piles, and other buried or submerged metal structures. Cathodic protection works by introducing a sacrificial metal that is electrically connected to another structure. In order to prevent corrosion. The anode is more reactive than the stucture, and an electrochemical cell is formed where corrosion is significantly reduced on the framework.

Types of Cathodic Protection Systems

Cathodic protection systems are described in 2 types, galvanic or sacrificial anodes and impressed current systems:

Galvanic Anodes: Sacrificial anode systems rely on an electrochemically “active” metal (anode) bonded to the surface of the active metal (cathode) to protect it from corrosion when both are immersed in an electrolyte such as soil or liquid.

Zinc, magnesium, or aluminum metal alloys are commonly used as the anode, as these metal alloys have a more negative potential than the cathode principal metal. The active metal is usually steel, but depending on the environment and the corrosive nature of the electrolyte it can also be composed of stainless steel, aluminum or others.

Sacrificial anode systems do not require an external power supply and require very little maintenance. Its limiting factor, is its ability, to provide sufficient protection current for high current applications.

Impressed Current Systems

Impressed Current Systems This system consist, of a direct current power supply that has an electrical cable connected to the structure, to be cathodically protected and another cable, connected to the consumable anodes.


When AC power is available, the power supply consists of a rectifying transformer to convert DC Current. In the absence of an AC supply, the alternative power sources commonly used are solar panels, wind power, or electric generators.


Impressed current anodes are available in a variety of metal alloys, shapes, and sizes. Common anodes are solid and tubular rod forms or continuous ribbons. Various anode materials include high silicon cast iron, graphite, mixed metal oxide, platinum coating, and carbon steel. One of the main applications of this system is for underground or submerged pipelines, tanks, dock pilings and deep wells.